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    Trabe Insecticide Pyréthroïde (Deltaméthrine) 10cc


    Vendu par Natural Systems.Plus d'informations

    Trabe Pyrethroid Insecticide est un produit insecticide utilisé pour lutter contre les ravageurs de différentes cultures et espaces domestiques. Très efficace contre un large éventail d'insectes, tels que les mouches, les moustiques, les cafards, araignées, puces, tiques, fourmis, entre autres.


    Trabe Insecticide Pyrethroid contains as active ingredient deltamethrin, a synthetic pyrethroid that acts on the nervous system of insects, causing their paralysis and death.

    From the family of synthetic pyrethroids, deltmethrin is widely used in pest control in the orchard and garden of different crops and domestic spaces.

    It acts on the nervous system of insects, causing their paralysis and death. It is highly effective against a wide range of insects, such as flies, mosquitoes, cockroaches, spiders, fleas, ticks, ants, among others. It has a low toxicity for mammals, but it is recommended to follow the instructions for use and precautions of the manufacturer at all times to avoid risks to human and animal health.

    This product comes in a 10cc liquid presentation and must be diluted with water before application.

    How to use:

    • Before using Trabe Insecticide Pyrethroid, the instructions for use should be carefully read and manufacturer's precautions. Gloves and eye protection are recommended when handling the product.
    • For its application in crops, 10cc of Trabe Pyrethroid Insecticide must be diluted in 20 liters of water and apply by spraying on affected areas. In domestic spaces, 1cc should be diluted in 1 liter of water and apply by spraying in infested areas.
    • It is important to apply the product evenly to the entire affected area and avoid direct exposure to People and animals. It is recommended to apply in the afternoon or evening, when most of the insects are more active.